Full-service photo agency

Drew Altizer Photography is a full-service San Francisco photography agency. We’re experts in events, portraits, video, PR and media placement. But what we're really passionate about is offering the best San Francisco event photography. That’s what gets us excited — helping you maximize publicity for your event, brand or cause. We specialize in getting your event and your notable guests featured in local and national press. Our highly trained, professional and experienced photographers capture every key moment of your charity, cultural, corporate, PR, political or private event. Your event photography is important to reach customers and donors in editorial, print and social media. The society pages and metro sections await! Hire San Francisco's best event photographers, and let us bring your party to the world.

2019 numbers

In addition to photography and video, our services include distribution to local, regional and national social press as well as online distribution to an ever growing number of outlets. To book a photographer, please click the Book us link at the top of the website or the logo at the bottom.
  • 9K events
  • 388K people
  • 3M photos